Neighborhood Relief Thrift Store
1500 Elida Rd., Lima, OH 45805 419-999-4483
"Loving our Neighbors"

"Serving Allen County for over 23 years"
"What We Do"
Neighborhood Relief Thrift Store supports many programs and functions of local non-profit and charitable organizations. We work to better the future opportunities for our youth by supporting school programs and strive to improve economic growth within our community by providing employment opportunities, quality low cost merchandise for sale, and working with several community based organizations. In addition, we serve as a referral company for emergency assistance agencies of Allen County and provide assistance to families and/or individuals by way of material contributions in their time of need at no cost.
Community relations plays an essential part of our business as our main mission is to serve the community. We serve as a referral company for several emergency assistance agencies in Allen County including the American Red Cross, Department of Job & Family Services, Veterans Service Commission, Council on Aging, Department of Child Services, Heartbeat of Lima, Safe Harbor Runaway & Homeless Shelter, L.A.C.C.A.-Headstart, Specialized Alternatives for Families and Youth (SAFY), Family Resource Center, Crossroads Crisis Center, Adult Probation Department, WORTH Center, Board of Mental Retardation & Development, Family Promise, Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen, Lima Samaritan House, Allen Metropolitan Housing Authority, Salvation Army, Help Me Grow, and Local Neighborhood Associations, Schools, and Churches. We provide assistance to these organizations by helping families and/or individuals by way of material contributions (i.e. clothes, household items, beds, appliances, and baby items) in their time of need at no cost. All support stays local and is done on a referral basis with the respective agency verifying the need. In addition, many of the animal items that are donated to the store are given to the Humane Society of Allen County and Angels for Animals.
A percentage of business profits from the sale of donated goods are given to support various programs of local non-profit and/or charitable organizations.